Windows Authentication failing / not working
(too old to reply)
2009-04-27 17:54:03 UTC

I have ISA 2006 with SP1 configured as a standalone(no domain) server in
DMZ1. I have Windows 2003 IIS with SQL2005 Reporting that I want to publish
in LAN zone / Windows 2003 domain.

I'm trying to publish SQL Reporting site to the DMZ1 utilizing windows
integrated authentication (I don’t want to use Forms auth). After I published
the web app and try to access it I get a IE default authentication window
popup but it looks like ISA does not pass/take my domain credentials and
after few retries I get this error:

Error Code: 403 Forbidden. The server denied the specified Uniform Resource
Locator (URL). Contact the server administrator. (12202)

Any ideas ?
2009-04-27 18:05:02 UTC
Note. I was able successfully publish several regular HTTP sites with forms
authentication and it all woks just fine. The problem that i have, looks
like, related only with Windows Integrated not beeing passed to backend web

Post by Me
I have ISA 2006 with SP1 configured as a standalone(no domain) server in
DMZ1. I have Windows 2003 IIS with SQL2005 Reporting that I want to publish
in LAN zone / Windows 2003 domain.
I'm trying to publish SQL Reporting site to the DMZ1 utilizing windows
integrated authentication (I don’t want to use Forms auth). After I published
the web app and try to access it I get a IE default authentication window
popup but it looks like ISA does not pass/take my domain credentials and
Error Code: 403 Forbidden. The server denied the specified Uniform Resource
Locator (URL). Contact the server administrator. (12202)
Any ideas ?
Jens Baier
2009-04-28 06:21:42 UTC
Post by Me
I have ISA 2006 with SP1 configured as a standalone(no domain) server
utilizing windows
integrated authentication (I don’t want to use Forms auth). After I published
the web app and try to access it I get a IE default authentication window
popup but it looks like ISA does not pass/take my domain credentials and
if ISA isn't a domain member, ISA cannot verify the credentials of the user
against the domain!
Make ISA a domain member or use mirrored accounts on ISA or LDAP for
publishing scenarios or RADIUS auth.
Gruss Jens